Family Class Sponsorship

Canada is Committed to Keeping Families Together. We Can Help Reunite You and Your Loved Ones.

Family Class Sponsorship Brings You All Together

Family Class Sponsorship allows family members to sponsor relatives so they can move to Canada for a new life together.

Family Class Sponsorship may sound obvious but there are many pathways to immigrate to Canada under this stream, and a lot of evidence to be collected and submitted. 

As always, a great way to gain understanding and peace of mind is to arrange an immigration consultation. The Canadian Government (IRCC), through Family Class Sponsorship, is dedicated to bringing families together.

What Is Canada Family Class Sponsorship?

Canada Family Class Sponsorship allows permanent residents and Canadian citizens to sponsor their eligible family members to live in Canada as permanent residents. Eligible family members include spouses, common-law partners, conjugal partners, dependent children, parents, grandparents and, in some cases, other orphaned Family members.

The Family Class Sponsorship program has various requirements that must be met by the sponsor and the sponsored family member. 

The sponsor is not required to meet a minimum income requirement if they are sponsoring a spouse, other partner or dependent child.  But they do have to agree to provide financial and emotional support to the sponsored family member for a certain period of time.

The sponsored family member must meet specific eligibility criteria and pass medical and criminal background checks.

The Family Class Sponsorship process is a two-step process, that is submitted altogether, in which the sponsor first applies to sponsor their family member(s). This is called Sponsorship Evaluation. Then once they have received Sponsorship Approval, the family members apply for permanent residency.

Children playing

What Are the Family Class Sponsorship Requirements to Sponsor?

To sponsor a family member through the Family Class Sponsorship program in Canada, the sponsor must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Reside in Canada or plan to return to Canada once the sponsored family member becomes a permanent resident.
  • Sign a Sponsorship Undertaking agreeing to provide basic needs for the sponsored family member, such as food, clothing, and shelter.  And to provide financial support to the sponsored family member for a period of time, typically 3 to 20 years, depending on the relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored family member. To ensure the applicant does not need financial assistance from the government.
  • You must not have been sponsored, as a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner,  in the last five years and not currently be undertaking the sponsorship of another partner.
  • In certain categories you must meet the income requirements, which depend on the number of family members in the household.

In addition to these requirements, the sponsor must prove that they have not committed any criminal offenses, are not in default of any previous sponsorship agreements, and are not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability. The sponsor must also pass a background and security check.

Which Family Members Can I Sponsor?


As a permanent resident or Canadian citizen, you may be able to sponsor the following family members to come to Canada through the Family Class Sponsorship program:

  • Spouse or common-law partner: You can sponsor your spouse or common-law partner if they are at least 18 years old and your relationship is genuine.
  • Dependent children: You can sponsor your dependent children if they are under the age of 22 and not married or in a common-law relationship. You may also be able to sponsor your dependent children over the age of 22 if they have been continuously enrolled in full-time education and financially dependent on you since before the age of 22.
  • Parents and grandparents: You can sponsor your parents and grandparents if they meet certain eligibility requirements, including financial requirements and medical admissibility. The Super Visa provides another alternative allowing parent and grandparent reunification in Canada.
  • Other eligible relatives: In some cases, you may be able to sponsor other eligible relatives, such as siblings, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren, if they are orphaned, under the age of 18, and not married or in a common-law relationsip.
  • The sponsorship of other close relatives is possible in certain circumstances for individuals where there are Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds.

How Can I Sponsor Eligible Family Members to Canada?

To sponsor family members to Canada through the Family Class Sponsorship program, you will need to follow these general steps:

  1. Check your eligibility: Ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements to sponsor a family member in Canada, including age, citizenship or permanent residency, and income requirements.
  2. Determine your family member’s eligibility: Check that the family member you wish to sponsor is eligible for sponsorship in Canada. This will depend on their relationship to you and other factors such as their age, health, and criminal history.
  3. Submit an application: You must complete and submit a sponsorship application and an application for permanent residence for your family member to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  4. Provide supporting documentation: You will need to provide various documents to support your sponsorship application and your family member’s application for permanent residence, such as proof of your relationship, financial documents, and identity and travel documents.
  5. Wait for processing: The processing time for Family Class Sponsorship applications can vary, but it usually takes several months to a year. You can check the current processing times on the IRCC website.
  6. Meet additional requirements: Depending on the family member you are sponsoring, additional requirements may need to be met, such as a medical exam.
  7. Provide ongoing support: As a sponsor, you will be required to provide financial and emotional support to your family member for a period of time. This may include providing for their basic needs, such as food and shelter, and helping them integrate into Canadian society.

What Type of Supporting Documentation Do I Need to Support the Genuineness of Our Common Law Relationship?

When sponsoring your common-law partner for Family Class Sponsorship in Canada, you must provide supporting documents to prove the genuineness of your relationship.

Examples of supporting documentation that you can include in your Family Sponsorship application for a common-law partner include:

  • Declaration of Common-Law Union: You and your partner can sign a declaration of common-law union. This document should outline the details of your common-law relationship, including the duration of the relationship and how you live together.
  • Proof of Cohabitation: You may submit documents that show you have lived together for at least one year. Examples include joint bills, a lease agreement, and a mortgage agreement.
  • Joint Finances: Provide evidence that you and your common-law partner share financial responsibilities, such as joint bank accounts, shared credit cards, and joint insurance policies.
  • Proof of Social Commitment: You can provide evidence of joint activities and events, such as invitations or attendance at family events.
  • Communication: Include evidence of regular communication between you and your common-law partner, such as call logs, emails, and text messages.
  • Photographs: Personal photographs of you and the sponsored person together, showcasing your shared experiences, special occasions, and the progression of your relationship over time.
  • Social connections: Documents that highlight your involvement in each other’s lives and interactions with each other’s family and friends. This can include invitations or attendance records for family gatherings or social events, testimonials from mutual acquaintances, or any other evidence that demonstrates the social aspect of your relationship.

It is essential that the documents you provide demonstrate the genuineness of your relationship and that you have been living together for at least one year, 12 consecutive months in the case of Common law applications.

Providing insufficient documentation may result in the rejection of your application.

Which Is Best: Overseas vs Inland Processing?

Whether overseas or inland processing is best for Family Class, Common Law or Spousal Sponsorship depends on individual circumstances and factors such as processing times, the immigration status of the sponsored person, and personal preferences. 

Important features such as a Work Permit, Appeal Rights and the length of processing times can be influenced by whether your application is processed inside or outside of Canada. 

Here are some things to consider:

Overseas Processing

  • Involves applying from outside Canada.
  • Can be a slightly longer processing time than inland processing but not always, it depends on the specific visa office.
  • It may require the sponsored person to wait outside of Canada until the application is approved.
  • Best for those who are not currently in Canada.
  • It may be ideal for those who are not currently working in Canada or do not have legal immigration status in Canada.
  • Importantly, an outside of Canada application preserves your appeal rights in the event your application is refused.
  • There is no work permit with the outside Canada route.

Inland Processing

  • Involves applying from within Canada.
  • Can be a slightly shorter processing time than overseas processing, but depends a lot on the volume of application and the quality of the submission.
  • The sponsored person can apply for an open work permit while the application is being processed.
  • Best for those who are already in Canada and wish to remain while the application is being processed.
  • It may be ideal for those who are currently employed in Canada or have legal immigration status in Canada.
  • Importantly, there are no appeal rights with inside Canada applications.
  • You should not leave Canada while on an inside Canada application, there is no guarantee that you will be readmitted. The danger of leaving is that the Canadian Government can see it as an abandonment of your application.

Frequently Asked Questions | Canada Family Class Sponsorship

There are several costs associated with a Canada Family Class Sponsorship application. 

These costs can vary depending on the type of relationship being sponsored and other factors. As of May 2023, the fees for a Family Class Sponsorship application are as follows:

  • Sponsorship fee: $75 CAD
  • Principal applicant processing fee: $825 CAD
  • Right of permanent residence fee: $500 CAD (if the sponsored family member is approved for permanent residency)
  • Dependent child processing fee: $225 CAD per child
  • Medical examination fees: These fees can vary depending on the country where the medical exam is conducted and the medical facility conducting the exam.
  • Police certificate fees: These fees can vary depending on the country where the police certificate is obtained.
  • Document translation costs of any supporting documentation that is not in English or French.

The processing time for a Canada Family Class Sponsorship application can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of relationship being sponsored, the number of applications being processed at the time, and the completeness of the application.

As of May 2023, the estimated processing times for Family Class Sponsorship applications are as follows:

  • Spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner: 12 to 18 months
  • Dependent child: 8 to 10 months
  • Parent or grandparent: 24 to 36 months

It is important to note that these are estimated processing times and may change at any time. 

In addition, these processing times do not include the time it takes to gather and submit all necessary documents and information.  Processing times start the day that the Government receives your complete application.

It is recommended to apply as early as possible and to ensure that all application forms and supporting documents are complete and accurate to avoid delays in processing. 

It is also recommended to check the most up-to-date processing times on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website before submitting an application.

The terms “common-law partner,” “spouse,” and “conjugal partner” are used in the context of Canadian immigration to describe different types of relationships for the purpose of Family Class Sponsorship. 

Here are the definitions and differences between these terms:

  • Common-Law Partner: A common-law partner is a person of the opposite or same sex who has been in a committed and exclusive relationship with the sponsor for at least one year. The couple must have lived together continuously and in a conjugal relationship for that period of time. In the context of immigration, common-law partners are treated similarly to spouses.
  • Spouse: A spouse is a person to whom the sponsor is legally married. It includes both opposite-sex and same-sex marriages that are legally recognized in Canada or in the country where the marriage took place. Spousal sponsorship is available for legally married partners.
  • Conjugal Partner: A conjugal partner refers to a person in a relationship with the sponsor that is both committed and exclusive but does not meet the requirements for common-law partnership or marriage. This can be due to circumstances beyond the couple’s control, such as immigration barriers or inability to live together. Conjugal partner sponsorship is typically considered in exceptional cases, where the couple can demonstrate a genuine and long-standing relationship equivalent to a marriage or common-law partnership.

The Family Class Sponsorship application itself does not provide authorization to work or study in Canada.

However, once the application has been submitted and is in process, the sponsored family member may be eligible to apply for a work or study permit to come to Canada temporarily while the sponsorship application is being processed.

To be eligible for a work or study permit, the sponsored family member will need to meet the eligibility requirements, which may include obtaining a job offer from a Canadian employer or being accepted to a Canadian educational institution. The work or study permit will be valid for a specific period of time and may be renewed if the individual continues to meet the eligibility requirements.

It is important to note that a work or study permit is not a guarantee of permanent residency in Canada, and the Family Class Sponsorship application must still be approved in order for the sponsored family member to become a permanent resident of Canada.

Yes, Canada accepts Family Class Sponsorship applications for same-sex unions. 

Canada has been a pioneer in recognizing and supporting same-sex relationships, and the Family Class Sponsorship program is inclusive of same-sex couples.

Same-sex couples can apply for sponsorship under the spousal or common-law partner category, provided they meet the eligibility requirements. The requirements for sponsorship are the same regardless of the sex or gender of the partners. The key criteria include demonstrating a genuine and committed relationship, cohabitation, and meeting the other specific requirements outlined by the Canadian immigration authorities.

Canada recognizes same-sex marriages and common-law partnerships for immigration purposes, and same-sex couples have the same rights and benefits as opposite-sex couples in the sponsorship process.

The Canadian government does not recognize virtual marriages for the purpose of immigration or legal recognition. A virtual marriage refers to a marriage ceremony conducted remotely, typically through video conferencing or other virtual means, where the couple is not physically present in the same location.

In Canada, marriage is generally recognized when it meets certain legal requirements, which typically include a physical presence of the couple and compliance with the laws of the jurisdiction where the marriage takes place. Virtual marriages, where the couple is not physically present together, does not fulfill these legal requirements.

However, it’s important to note that laws and policies can change over time.

If the number of family members changes during the application process of a Family Class Sponsorship, it is important to inform the Canadian immigration authorities immediately. Changes in the number of family members can occur due to various reasons, such as the birth of a child, adoption, or changes in marital status.

Here’s what typically happens in such cases:

  1. Addition of a family member: If a new family member is born or adopted during the application process, you should inform the immigration authorities. Depending on the stage of the application, you may need to provide additional documentation and update the application accordingly. This ensures that the new family member is included in the sponsorship application.
  2. Removal of a family member: If a family member is no longer eligible to be sponsored or decides not to immigrate to Canada, it is important to inform the immigration authorities as well. The application may need to be updated or amended to reflect the change in family composition.

It is essential to notify the immigration authorities promptly about any changes in the family composition to maintain the integrity and accuracy of the application. Failing to disclose changes in family members can have serious consequences, including potential refusal of the application or allegations of misrepresentation.

Possibly, yes. The sponsor and applicant may be interviewed by the Canadian Government as part of the Family Class Sponsorship application process. 

An interview may be conducted to verify the information provided in the application, assess the genuineness of the relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored family member, and to ensure that the sponsor is aware of their obligations.

The interview may be conducted in person, by telephone, or by video conference. The sponsor may be asked various questions related to their relationship with the sponsored family member, their financial situation, and their ability to provide support and care for the sponsored family member in Canada.

It is important for sponsors to be prepared for the interview and to answer questions truthfully and accurately. 

The interview is an important part of the application process, and the interview’s outcome may impact the final decision on the sponsorship application.

In the context of a Family Class Sponsorship application in Canada, the timing of providing immigration medical examinations and police clearance is as follows.

  • Immigration Medical Examination:  The instructions for completing the medical examination and submitting the results will be provided to the sponsored person(s) by IRCC sometime after the Sponsorship Evaluation approval.
  • Police Clearance Checks: Police clearance certificates or certificates of no criminal record are typically required for the applicant and any adult family members included in the application upon submission, though this is not always possible.

There are several common reasons why a Canada Family Class Sponsorship application may be refused. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Incomplete or inaccurate information: If the application forms or supporting documents are incomplete, inaccurate, or inconsistent, the application may be returned.
  • Inadmissibility: If the sponsored family member is found to be inadmissible to Canada due to criminal, medical, or security reasons, the application may be refused.
  • Financial ineligibility: The application may be refused if the sponsor does not meet the minimum income requirements or cannot provide sufficient financial support for the sponsored family member.
  • Relationship authenticity: If the relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored family member is found to be fraudulent or not genuine, the application may be refused.
  • Failure to meet sponsorship obligations: If the sponsor fails to meet their obligations, such as providing adequate financial support or ensuring the sponsored family member’s basic needs are met, the application may be refused.

It is important to note that each case is unique, and there may be other reasons why a Family Class Sponsorship application is refused. 

If an application is refused, there may be options for appeal or reconsideration, depending on the case’s specific circumstances. 

To prove the immigration status of the sponsor in a Family Class Sponsorship application in Canada, you may be required to submit the following documents:

  • Canadian Citizen: Canadian passport, Canadian Citizenship Certificate or Canadian Birth Certificate: 
  • Canadian Permanent Resident: Permanent Resident Card (PR card): A copy of the sponsor’s valid PR card, which confirms their status as a permanent resident of Canada.
  • Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR): If the sponsor recently immigrated to Canada and has not yet received their PR card, a copy of the COPR document can be provided as proof of their permanent resident status.

It’s important to provide clear and legible copies of these documents as evidence of the sponsor’s immigration status. 

It is possible for the sponsor in a Family Class Sponsorship to reside outside of Canada only if they are a Canadian Citizen.   A permanent resident can not reside outside of Canada and submit an application.

The sponsorship undertaking refers to a legally binding commitment made by the sponsor in a Family Class Sponsorship application. 

It is a crucial component of the sponsorship process where the sponsor agrees to take responsibility for the basic needs and financial well-being of the sponsored family member(s) in Canada.

Here are some key points regarding the sponsorship undertaking:

  • Financial support: The sponsor commits to providing financial support to the sponsored family member(s) for a specific duration. The duration of the undertaking varies depending on the relationship and the sponsored person’s status in Canada.
  • Basic needs: The sponsor undertakes to ensure that the sponsored person(s) have access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. The sponsor must make reasonable efforts to assist the sponsored person(s) in becoming self-sufficient.
  • Repayment of social assistance: If the sponsored person(s) receive social assistance from the Canadian government, the sponsor is responsible for repaying any financial assistance provided during the undertaking period.
  • Length of the undertaking: The length of the undertaking varies depending on the relationship between the sponsor and the sponsored person(s). For example, spousal sponsorships typically have an undertaking period of three years from the sponsored person’s date of becoming a permanent resident.
  • Legal obligations: The sponsorship undertaking is a legally binding commitment, and sponsors are required to fulfill their obligations.

 Failure to meet the terms of the undertaking can have serious consequences, including potential financial liability or sponsorship bans.

There are several reasons why a sponsor may not be eligible to sponsor for Family Class Sponsorship in Canada.

These eligibility requirements are in place to ensure that the sponsor can fulfill their responsibilities and support the sponsored family member(s) during their settlement in Canada. 

Here are some common reasons why a sponsor may be deemed ineligible:

  • Age: The sponsor must be at least 18 years old to be eligible to sponsor.
  • Citizenship or Permanent Residence: The sponsor must be a Canadian citizen, a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act, or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • Financial Capacity: Sponsors’ parents and Grandparents are required to meet certain financial criteria to demonstrate their ability to support the sponsored family member(s). If the sponsor does not meet the income requirements or cannot provide adequate financial support, they may be deemed ineligible.
  • Previous Sponsorship Undertaking: If the sponsor has previously sponsored a family member and has not fulfilled the sponsorship undertaking, including repaying social assistance debts, they may be ineligible to sponsor again until the previous obligations are met.
  • Criminal Convictions: Sponsors with certain criminal convictions or who are subject to certain legal restrictions may be ineligible to sponsor.
  • Bankruptcy or Receivership: Sponsors who are bankrupt or in receivership may be deemed ineligible to sponsor.
  • Sponsorship Bans: Sponsors who have previously been found inadmissible due to misrepresentation or failure to fulfill sponsorship obligations may face sponsorship bans, rendering them ineligible to sponsor.

To sponsor a family member to Canada, you must meet certain eligibility requirements, including the financial requirements.

One of the financial requirements is to show that you have enough income to support the sponsored family member and their accompanying family members without relying on social assistance from the government.  The only exception to this requirement is the sponsorship of a common law spouse or conjugal partner with no dependents, but even then it is important that you are not on welfare.

If you are unemployed, it may be more difficult to meet this requirement. However, if you have a co-signer willing to support the application and meet the financial requirements, you may still be eligible to sponsor.

A co-signer can be a spouse or common-law partner, or another individual willing to share the financial responsibilities of the sponsorship with you.

It is important to note that even if you have a co-signer, you will still be required to provide evidence of your financial situation, including your income and assets.

If you cannot meet the financial requirements, your sponsorship application may be refused.

When submitting a Family Class Sponsorship application in Canada, the sponsor is typically required to provide various documents to support their sponsorship claim and demonstrate their eligibility. 

The specific documents may vary depending on the relationship being sponsored and the circumstances of the case. Here are some common documents that sponsors may be required to submit:

  • Application forms: The sponsor must complete and sign the appropriate sponsorship application forms, such as the Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008) and the Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) form.
  • Proof of status: Sponsors must provide documents proving their Canadian citizenship, Canadian permanent residency, or registration as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
  • Identity and relationship documents: Sponsors must provide documents proving their identity, such as a copy of their passport and birth certificate. In addition, they may need to provide documents establishing the relationship with the sponsored person, such as a marriage certificate or proof of common-law partnership.
  • Financial documents: Sponsors must provide evidence of their financial capacity to support the sponsored family member(s). This may include recent Notice of Assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency, employment letters, pay stubs, bank statements, and other financial documents.
  • Police clearance certificates: Sponsors may need to submit police clearance certificates or certificates of no criminal record from the country where they currently reside or have resided for a specified period.
  • Medical examination: The sponsored person will be required to undergo a medical examination by an approved panel physician to demonstrate their admissibility to Canada.
  • Other supporting documents: Depending on the specific circumstances, sponsors may need to provide additional supporting documents, such as proof of cohabitation, proof of joint assets or liabilities, letters of support, and any other relevant documents that help establish the genuineness of the relationship and eligibility to sponsor.

Yes, the sponsor can leave Canada after the Family Class Sponsorship application is submitted.

There is no specific requirement for the sponsor to remain in Canada during the processing of the application.

The Family Class Sponsorship application process does not restrict the sponsor’s travel or require them to remain in Canada. However, it is important to note that if the sponsor leaves Canada while the application is in progress, they should ensure they have access to reliable communication channels to receive any updates or requests for additional information from the Canadian immigration authorities.

It is recommended to keep the immigration authorities informed of any changes in contact information, including temporary or permanent address changes, to ensure smooth communication throughout the application process.

Yes, as the sponsor, you have the ability to withdraw your support for a Family Class Sponsorship application. Withdrawing your support means you are no longer willing to sponsor the family member for immigration to Canada.

To withdraw your support, you should notify the appropriate Canadian immigration authorities as soon as possible. This typically involves submitting a formal request or written statement stating your intention to withdraw sponsorship.

It is important to note that once you withdraw your support, the sponsorship application will be refused. The sponsored family member would need to explore alternative immigration options if they still wish to come to Canada.

Yes, you can sponsor an adopted child to Canada under the Family Class Sponsorship program. The adoption process must meet the legal requirements of the country where the adoption took place and the laws of the province or territory in Canada where you reside.

To be eligible for sponsorship, the adopted child must meet the definition of a dependent child, which includes:

  1. Being under the age of 22 and not having a spouse or common-law partner, or
  2. Being 22 years of age or older and have depended substantially on the financial support of the adoptive parent(s) since before the age of 22 due to a physical or mental condition.

In addition to meeting the age and dependency requirements, there are other criteria that need to be fulfilled for the sponsorship of an adopted child. These include providing appropriate adoption documents, ensuring that the adoption is valid and recognized by Canadian authorities, and meeting other requirements specific to the country of adoption.

Yes, but only in very limited circumstances,  you can sponsor your sister or brother, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew to Canada if they are orphaned, unmarried and under 18 years of age.

The applicant should not leave Canada after submitting an inside Canada application as it can lead to problems if you are not admitted back into Canada. 

And may even be considered an abandonment of the application by the Canadian Government in some circumstances.

However the reality of what we have seen over 15 years of experience is that you can leave Canada for short periods and for a compelling reason, for example a death in the Family or a holiday with your partner.  Though it is important you fully understand the risk involved.

Here are a few important considerations:

  1. Maintain status: If the applicant holds a temporary status in Canada, such as a visitor, student, or worker, they should ensure that their temporary status remains valid and that they meet the requirements to re-enter Canada.
  2. Travel documents: The applicant should have valid travel documents, such as a passport and any required visas, to re-enter Canada.
  3. Communication with immigration authorities: It is important for the applicant to maintain communication with the immigration authorities and provide any requested documents or updates during the application process. They should ensure that they have access to reliable communication channels, such as email or online portals, to receive any updates or requests.
  4. Biometrics and interviews: If the applicant is required to provide biometrics or attend an interview, they may need to make arrangements to do so within the specified timeframe, even if they are outside of Canada.

No, the applicant’s dependents do not have to accompany them to Canada, but they will need to sit an immigration medical.

Dependent children of the applicant can be included in the Family Class Sponsorship application and may be eligible for permanent residency in Canada.

However, if the dependents choose not to accompany the applicant to Canada, they will need to apply for a separate visa or permit to enter Canada at a later time.

It is important to note that if the applicant is sponsored by a family member in Canada and has dependents who do not accompany them to Canada, the family member in Canada will need to provide written consent for the dependents to remain outside Canada.

The consent form will need to be included in the Family Class Sponsorship application.

Yes, you can submit a Family Class Sponsorship application if you are the common-law partner of someone who is legally married to someone else, provided they are physically separated from the person they are married to. 

In these situations we advise to get a divorce, annulment out legal separation but this is not always possible.

In order to be eligible to sponsor a family member, including a common-law partner, the sponsor must be in a legally recognized relationship with the sponsored person.

For common-law partners, Canadian immigration law requires that the relationship be exclusive, committed, and in a conjugal nature for at least one year. 

Misrepresentation, refers to providing false or misleading information, withholding relevant information, or submitting fraudulent documents in relation to an immigration application.

Section 40 of Canada’s Immigration Act specifically addresses misrepresentation and states that a foreign national or permanent resident is inadmissible to Canada if they directly or indirectly misrepresent or withhold material facts relating to a relevant matter that could have affected a decision being made under.

Some examples of misrepresentation can include:

  1. Providing false information about one’s identity, nationality, or personal history.

  2. Falsifying or altering documents, such as passports, birth certificates, or educational credentials.

  3. Concealing information related to criminal history, previous immigration violations, or medical conditions.

  4. Providing false or misleading information about one’s relationship status, such as marital status or dependency.

  5. Submitting fraudulent financial documents or misrepresenting one’s financial situation.

Misrepresentation in a Family Class Sponsorship application can have serious consequences. 

Here are some potential consequences of misrepresentation:

  1. Application refusal: If misrepresentation is discovered during the application process, the application may be refused. The sponsored person may be found inadmissible to Canada, and their application for permanent residency may be rejected.

  2. Inadmissibility: Misrepresentation can result in a finding of inadmissibility to Canada. This can have long-term consequences, including being barred from entering Canada for a 5 year  period or even permanently.

  3. Removal or deportation: If misrepresentation is discovered after the sponsored person has already arrived in Canada and obtained permanent residency, they may be subject to removal or deportation proceedings.

  4. Criminal charges: In some cases, intentional or serious misrepresentation can be considered a criminal offense, leading to legal consequences and potential criminal charges.

  5. Negative impact on future applications: A finding of misrepresentation can have a lasting impact on future immigration applications. It may result in increased scrutiny, additional requirements, or a higher burden of proof for subsequent applications.

It is essential to provide accurate and truthful information in your Family Class Sponsorship application. If you have unintentionally made a mistake or need to correct information, it is important to seek legal advice and inform the relevant immigration authorities promptly.

Marrying a Canadian does not automatically give an individual Canadian citizenship. 

However, it can provide a pathway to Canadian citizenship through the process of spousal sponsorship.

Under the Family Class Sponsorship program, Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor their spouse or common-law partner for permanent residency in Canada.

Once the sponsored spouse or common-law partner has obtained permanent residency, they can eventually apply for Canadian citizenship if they meet the eligibility requirements.

In order to be eligible for Canadian citizenship, a permanent resident must have physically resided in Canada for at least 1095 days (or three years) in the five years immediately preceding the date of their citizenship application. 

They must also meet other requirements, such as language proficiency and knowledge of Canada.

Family Class Sponsorship

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Our consultations carefully assess your eligibility across Federal and Provincial programs and provide information on the best route for your particular circumstances while offering practical advice to get you closer to your goal. Consultations also provide information on current processing times, total costs and the opportunity for you to have your questions answered.

One of the main priorities of the Canadian Immigration Act is to see that families are reunited in Canada through family class sponsorship. Read on to find out more about the options and process for sponsoring loved ones to Canada.

The immigration class offered by the IRCC for reuniting families is itself known as ”family class sponsorship”. Canadian citizens and permanent residents can apply to reunite their families in Canada using this immigration program.
